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Friday, 15 July 2011

Why don’t more young Tanzanians go abroad?

In Europe, Australia or the US, it is common among well-educated young people to spend some time in a foreign country doing voluntary work.

Ambitious youngsters get involved in many projects that afford them the opportunity to work for one year in a developing country. Their governments support them by paying for their air tickets, accommodation, food and flights.

However, a good number of volunteers still cater for their own expenses, just to have that foreign experience.

In Africa, Tanzania has over the years become one of the most popular destinations for young volunteers.

This is due to a number of reasons, but mostly because many in Europe and the US consider it safe and peaceful.

But: What about the Tanzanians? For a long time, it has only been volunteers from developed countries going abroad, while young people from developing countries never get the chance to stay for a long time in Europe or US to learn something about a foreign culture.
So, how can there be a real cultural exchange?